
Featured Creators
Check out our line-up below of featured creators that will be participating in Card Party! Some of them will be doing meet and greets, others will be joining us on stage, and many of them will be doing a bit of everything. All we can promise is they're all going to be ready to (card) party!
Attending Creators
Check out ALL of the Creators that will be attending Card Party Gen. 2, this June in Orlando, Florida!




Are you a Pokémon creator coming to Card Party Gen. 2? Add your info below for a chance to be featured on this page.
PLEASE NOTE: As this is the week of the event, there are no guarantees that we will be able to verify your creator application and add you to the website as an attending creator prior to the event taking place. However, we will do the best that we can to get your information posted to the website as quickly as possible. If you have purchased a ticket as a creator, you will be able to identify yourself as a creator at the event with a special creator lanyard.